Developer MarketTRENDS

The news might be full of tech layoffs and hiring freezes, but looking at the actual numbers of the developer job market provides a more accurate picture.

With DevQuarterly (DQ) we are tracking and analyzing every single job post for developers along with all public data about the hiring companies. Follow the demand side of the global developer market in data.

Demand for developers


Number of new jobs posted for software developers

Last updated at: 2024/04/30

Sources: LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor and local IT job boards.

Learn more about actively hiring companies, technologies & salaries in DQ’s in-depth analysis and developer market reports.

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DQ’s tracker searches for new developer jobs every 4 hours on all listed job boards and aggregators like LinkedIn, Indeed or Glassdoor. The chart displays the cumulative number of daily new dev job posts.

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Follow the demand side of the global developer market in data.

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For more up-to-date info on layoffs, check out and the Pragmatical Engineer from Gergely Orosz.